Tell the Public Health Committee: Patient Limits Save Lives!

During this legislative session, we've been working on a groundbreaking proposal aimed at strengthening existing law and ensuring health facilities require safe staffing levels. Any chance of passing this raised bill relies on letting our lawmakers know what is happening inside Connecticut's hospitals.

If short staffing has impacted your work, your mental health and your daily life, the legislature's public health committee needs to hear from you.

If passed and signed into law, S.B. 1067 will:

  • require all hospitals' nurse staffing plans to have minimum patient load ratios based on current accepted minimums by the State of California beginning in five years;
  • empower unions to select non-management nurses on hospitals' staffing committees;
  • protect health professionals exercising their ethical responsibility to object to unsafe assignments;
  • expand definition of "mandatory overtime" in hospitals to include being forced to work more than 12 hours a day, 48 hours a week and during the 10 hours after the most recent shift worked; &
  • strengthens the prohibition on mandatory overtime while allowing voluntary OT for health professionals.

Now is the time for us to stand up and share how nurses and health professionals are being overworked with increased patient loads, raising health and safety risks for all.

Click here for a message outline for the raised bill's "Safe Patient Limits" proposals.

Our state legislators need to hear from you about why S.B. 1067 is so important, not just for the safety of Connecticut's patients but the safety of our caregivers as well.

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