Tell Wyoming Leaders It's Time to Generate Revenue for Wyoming Education

Wyoming is at a crossroads. Facing a failing economy that has relied too heavily on the mineral industry, legislators now must decide to either continue down the same path and hang onto the unrealistic hope of an energy recovery or make a hard turn and keep Wyoming operational by seeking new revenue streams. Few options remain for Wyoming to continue to provide essential services to students and the citizens of this state. Our state needs revenue.

Already pushed beyond the brink, every hospital, corrections facility, and college across Wyoming is feeling the devastating effects of budget cuts. We’re sacrificing on patient care and saying goodbye to programs that served our citizens with everything from rehabilitation to job placement, higher education, and more.

K-12 education is next on the chopping block. Having endured $131 million in cuts since 2017, the Wyoming education system simply cannot continue to do more with less. A further projected shortfall of more than $300 million over the next biennium is rapidly depleting our state’s reserves and guarantees that—without action—the students of 2024 will not be afforded the same educational opportunities as our students today.

Wyoming students need your help! Wyoming education is teetering on the cliff face. Tell Wyoming leaders to reel our students back to safety. Tell them to have a meaningful discussion about revenue. Tell them to respect the priorities of Wyoming voters by prioritizing and protecting Wyoming education. Tell them you support taxes, especially if it is for education!

Please, use this form to send a letter to members of 66th Legislature of the State of Wyoming, today! A few clicks of your mouse could mean the difference for Wyoming students. Learn more about how you can help at