Tell Your Lawmakers: The fight for this budget is far from over

Wisconsin deserves a budget that invests in healthy communities, strong schools, and working families. Right now, that's not the budget that we have.  

Lawmakers need to hear from us that this budget should prioritize children, families, and communities all across the state – not big corporations and well-connected individuals who have rigged the system for their own benefit. We also need a budget that addresses the racial disparities that make it harder for families of color to thrive.

The legislature is in the process of approving a budget that once again puts off making improvements to our schools, health care system, and communities. But the fight for the future of Wisconsin is far from over. The budget won't be come law unless Governor Evers signs it.

In the mean time, tell your legislator that we're still fighting for a budget that lays the groundwork for shared prosperity and includes:

  • A major increase in education funding for public schools. State support for special education has been frozen for a decade, while costs have soared. The result is that schools are forced to shortchange other important needs to be able to afford to meet minimum standards in special education services. In addition to providing a sharp increase in funding for special education, state lawmakers should significantly increase the aid that helps level the playing field for poorer districts that have less property tax revenue.
  • BadgerCare expansion. By broadening eligibility for BadgerCare, lawmakers can ensure that 80,000 more people get health insurance, while saving $320 million state tax money over the next two years.
  • A tax cut for low-income families. Some lawmakers don't want to include low-income families and individuals in a planned tax cut. Yet people with low incomes pay a higher share of their income in state and local taxes than the richest residents. Expanding the state's Earned Income Tax Credit and Homestead Credit would include low-income people in the tax cut, and keep more money in their pockets.
  • Other improvements, like reducing the risk of lead poisoning, supporting the health of mothers and babies, and making sure families that struggle financially get the help they need.

To make these investments, we need to close tax loopholes that let politically powerful groups get away with not paying their fair share. Doing so would restore millions to invest in crucial priorities our communities need.

Everyone in the state deserves the opportunity to benefit from Wisconsin’s economic growth. Our economy, our communities, our schools, and our families will fare better when every person in the state has full access to opportunity. Visit for more information.

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