Tell Your Legislator NOT To Undermine Our Constitution!

On September 5, 2018, Michigan legislators voted to raise Michigan's minimum wage and to require paid sick leave earned by workers. On December 4, 2018, those same legislators voted to gut minimum wage and earned paid sick time.

But there’s much more to the story. This is the final week of the Lame Duck legislative session, and Republican House Members are continuing to undermine our Democracy without regard for their actions. Their latest scheme is to undermine the power of newly-elected officials who will take office in January, which you can follow using this Lame Duck tracker. Our legislators, who are on their way out, are still trying to make disastrous votes that will certainly harm working families for years to come.

This is the problem with the Lame Duck session. This is why we need to be vocal. Write to your legislator now to tell them they cannot get away with undermining our Constitution!

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