Tell your legislator to support working families in Virginia!

Ask your state legislator to stand with working families and put money back into the hands of those who need it most.

Earlier this year, the Virginia General Assembly made a decision. Instead of using new state revenues to bolster our K-12 public schools, address college affordability, or support low income workers, they sent refund checks to certain taxpayers, including millionaires. But an estimated 1.2 million families in Virginia didn’t receive a check.

Lawmakers have an opportunity to make a better choice next year, one that helps low wealth communities instead of leaving them out. The General Assembly can strengthen the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The EITC is a tax credit that boosts incomes of working families. It’s a proven and effective policy for supporting working families who are struggling to make ends meet, including about 600,000 families in Virginia. Yet, Virginia’s EITC is not as strong as it could be, because it is not refundable.

Legislators can choose to make our state credit refundable, as many other states have already done. Doing so would boost incomes for working families in Virginia and make sure all families who get the EITC can receive the full credit they’ve earned.

Send your legislator a quick email today and ask them to strengthen Virginia’s Work Credit and support the families in their district.

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