Tell Your Rep - NO on HB 1243!
Lawmakers in Texas want to once again raise the penalty for voting crimes from a misdemeanor to a second-degree felony even though evidence of widespread voter fraud in Texas remains nonexistent and the Voter Education budget is meager.
What is HB 1243?
HB 1243 would raise the penalty for illegal voting from its current misdemeanor level to a second degree felony (the same as manslaughter or aggravated assault) and would carry a potential 20 year prison sentence. This comes after lawmakers changed that penalty just last session. Many Texans who spoke out against a similar measure in the Senate expressed frustration that this matter would be rehashed again and we echo their concerns.
HB 1243 also comes at a time when our state continues to grapple with insufficient funding for Voter Education, even amidst record budget surplus. Without proper investment in Voter Education funding, HB 1243, and all bills like it, is unacceptably punitive as the State of Texas has shown year after year that it does a miserable job educating Texas voters on our state’s voting laws.
This is yet another bill that Texans don't need and we need to let lawmakers know.
Join us in messaging your state rep to ask that they oppose HB 1243!