Tell Your Rep: TX Needs To Stay In The ERIC System! No On SB 1070
On April 24, House Elections chose to advance SB 1070 out of committee and now it's time to write our reps to urge them to oppose this bill.
It's worth noting that SB 1070 was never considered in a formal public House hearing - meaning: Texans were not given a chance to testify before representatives on this bill. Rather, committee members swapped it in for HB 2809, a companion bill, which was considered in committee on April 20.
SB 1070 would require Texas to leave the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a system that has long been considered the gold standard for maintaining and cleaning voter rolls, based on little more than conspiracy theory even as the author of this legislation has admitted that there's no evidence to suspect the ERIC system is failing Texas voters. For as much as supporters of this proposal want to talk about the security of our voter lists and elections, a bill that forces us to reinvent the wheel and withdraw from the ERIC system could undercut those efforts drastically so we're urging lawmakers to reject this bill.
Take a minute to send a ready-to-go message to your rep urging them to OPPOSE SB 1070!