Tell Your Representatives: Ohio Valley Petrochemical Expansion is Failing Economics

The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC) is organizing around an urgent issue affecting our entire region: the proposed Appalachian Storage Hub (ASH), a regional petrochemical processing, storage and trading industrial complex that would produce the source material for single-use plastics.
We were told the Appalachian Storage Hub would provide the basis for an economic renaissance. However, every day, there is increasing evidence this isn't true.
We deserve more viable, fair, and sustainable economic transition strategies that protect public health and environmental quality and, in order to succeed, we must prioritize not only preserving our natural resources, but also protecting individuals and communities impacted by environmental degradation and mismanagement.
Instead of investing in flailing industries that poison our land, air, water, and communities, it’s time for our leaders to explore more feasible and sustainable economic development strategies that provide long-term prosperity for people in our region.
Now is the time to act. Help us build pressure on Governor Justice and other elected officials and urge them to focus on alternative solutions and pathways toward a sustainable future.
To learn more, visit our website, connect with us on Facebook, or join our online coalition.