Tell Your Senators: Extend Enhanced Unemployment Benefits!
Tell Your Senators: Extend Enhanced Unemployment Benefits!
The U.S. Senate will begin discussions today about whether to extend the enhanced unemployment benefits past July 31, when they are currently set to expire. This includes whether or not the extra $600 per week in UI keeps going after July. Thousands of musicians and Local 802 members are relying on the extra $600 in their weekly unemployment checks, which is part of the Pandemic Unemployment Benefit (PUA).
We encourage you to write to your senators TODAY. Encourage them to demand the renewal of the enhanced unemployment benefits for all workers -- including those of us in the performing arts industry -- in any future relief legislation.
In May, House Democrats introduced the Heroes Act, a $3 trillion relief package which included an extension of the benefits through January 2021. The main difference between Heroes Act and the previous CARES Act is that the Heroes Act is designed to be more comprehensive and addresses many of the shortfalls that were in the first relief package.
Division E of the Heroes Act includes provisions to renew the enhanced unemployment benefit for everyone, including those of us who work in the performing arts industry.
The passing of the Heroes Act and extending the weekly $600 past July is critical to keeping musicians, workers and families stable through the pandemic. This legislation would make a real, tangible difference in the lives of thousands of Local 802 members.
Please send a letter to your senators now.
In solidarity,
Local 802 President Adam Krauthamer