Tell Your Senator: Pass the Location Shield Act

Currently, there is no law in Massachusetts or federally to prevent the sale and purchase of cell phone location data. Every day, companies collect and sell sensitive location information from cell phones, revealing information about where we live, work, and socialize.

Here's just one example: Politico recently reported that a data broker company tracked people's visits to nearly 600 Planned Parenthood clinics in 48 states, including Massachusetts. The company sold that data to inform one of the largest anti-abortion ad campaigns targeting specific individuals. If anti-abortion extremists can use cell phone location data to target abortion seekers with ads, they can also use that data to target, harass, or threaten patients and providers in our state.

There is a bill to fix this: the Location Shield Act, which would ban the sale of cell phone location data to protect the privacy and safety of all Massachusetts residents.  

The MA House is planning to vote on a narrowed version of this bill this week. It's vital that the Senate take up the Location Shield Act so that MA can be a leader on protecting privacy rights.

Can you email your state senator in support?

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