Ohioans Want Voting Improvements

Ohioans Want Voting Improvements
Citizens from all across the state are demanding change and our actions are having an impact. Lawmakers have already received thousands of emails and phone calls seeking safe and simple voting. As a result, lawmakers backed off of reckless plans to make voting more difficult. But our work is not finished; it’s not enough that we simply stop lawmakers from placing additional barriers to the ballot box. The time has come for lawmakers to make improvements to our election system, beginning with passing Senate Bill 191, which will allow Ohioans to request an absentee ballot online.
As we saw in the Primary, our vote by mail system in Ohio is inefficient, confusing, and cumbersome for voters and election officials alike. Countless Ohioans were cut out of the process through no fault of their own. We need common sense reforms to make Ohioans’ voices heard. Senate Bill 191 will make the vote by mail system work better for all Ohioans. Let’s not miss this opportunity to make voting safe and simple this November.
Contact your lawmaker and tell them to pass SB 191.
Passing legislation for safe and accessible voting options is essential for our democracy.