Tell Your State Senator to Support the "CAREN" Act!

We are contacting members of the South Carolina Senate to ask for their support for S.0336, making racially motivated, non-emergency 911 calls illegal.

“Karen” is a recently coined term to typically describe a middle-aged, middle-class white woman, who is condescending or rude towards employees of a business and other establishments. Recently, these inconsiderate acts have shifted from “asking for the manager” to acts of abuse, sometimes manifesting in false claims against minorities reported to law enforcement agencies.

According to AP News, “a Starbucks manager punched 9-1-1 into her phone to report two black men who were waiting for a real estate meeting, prompting police to show up and arrest them. In York, Pennsylvania, white golfers called 911 amid a dispute over slow play by five black women.”

One of the most prominent examples in which the CAREN act could prove beneficial is in the famous case of Tamar Rice. Rice was a 12-year-old black boy who was playing with a toy pellet gun in Clevland park. A man waiting for the bus reported that a “guy” was pointing a gun. Responding to a call with false information and misconduct by officers, Tamar Rice was shot dead by the white police officer on duty.

All of these incidents go to show the effects racially motivated 911 calls have on minority communities. With the CAREN act, these types of calls would be made illegal, helping to eliminate the possibility of racial escalation.

It is a necessity that this bill is passed for the safety of our citizens in South Carolina.