This Could Be Our Last Shot To Get Strong Tideflats Regulations!

Last week City Council signaled that more time was needed on the Tideflats Regulations to make them permanent and limit fossil fuel expansions. The City will refine the code and consult with the Puyallup Tribe, who have been calling for an end to the unlimited fossil fuel facility expansions that Tacoma has allowed.

The Tideflats Regulations have WORKED by keeping out new corporate polluters who want to set up shop in Tacoma. Unfortunately, there is a major loophole that allows the current facilities - which include an Oil refinery, a Natural (fracked) Gas facility, and a major fossil fuel shipping terminal - to expand.

Tacoma City Council is preparing to make the Regulations permanent and may move to limit the growth of fossil fuel facilities. The only question is, will they be strong enough for Tacoma to do its part in advancing the clean energy economy?

Click START WRITING to begin drafting your letter to City Council, demanding we finally gather the courage to stop fossil fuel expansions.

Wanna write your own letter to send in directly? Email: by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, or by mail to City Clerk’s Office, 733 Market Street, Room 11, Tacoma, WA 98402.

Letter Campaign by
Communities for a Healthy Bay
Tacoma, WA, Washington