This is a public education budget worth fighting for!

Governor Shapiro’s budget proposal this year is a critical first step to finishing the job of closing the unconstitutional $5.4 billion funding gap identified by the state’s bipartisan Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC).

The proposal includes a substantial investment of $1.8 billion in public schools this year, with a specific focus on improving school facilities and providing additional financial support for students who are currently disadvantaged by the existing school funding system.

Governor Shapiro’s budget proposal is a win for rural, urban, and suburban communities across the Commonwealth. When our schools have adequate resources, students have the freedom to choose the best path for them.

Now, we need the General Assembly to finish the job by passing this proposal.

With a historic $14 billion surplus, there is no excuse for funding this public education budget and adhering to the constitutional requirement facing our state government on public education funding. Hoarding dollars will do nothing to help our children and will only hold Pennsylvania back. This budget, when adopted, will deliver critical investments to support our teachers, repair and upgrade school facilities, provide mental health support and special education to our children who need it, and move us closer to fixing the unconstitutional public school funding system that has failed too many students for too long.

Please click through to the next page to send an email to your state legislators to tell them that we owe it to our kids and our communities to pass this public education budget proposal.

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Harrisburg, PA