Urge Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz to Protect the Elwha Watershed!

Photo Credit: Forest2Sea.com

Click the "Start Writing" button to send a prewritten email to Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz asking her to protect mature forests in the Elwha River Watershed!

The Elwha River is world-renowned as the largest completed dam removal and its ongoing restoration is a story of hope for many.  

The DNR timber sales named “Power Plant” and “TCB23” would log approximately 172 acres near the Elwha River, including parts of the popular Olympic Adventure Trail (OAT) recreation area. These forests – a diverse mix of cedar and fir with naturally generating understory - are in close proximity to the river restoration area and former Elwha dam site.

These forests play an important role in watershed health. Logging them would compromise efforts to restore endangered salmon habitat, destroy essential carbon sinks, and threaten Port Angeles’ drinking water. Port Angeles was in a stage 3 water shortage last summer because of low flows in the Elwha River and science shows that young plantation forests can reduce water levels during summer months by 50% when compared to adjacent, mature forests within a watershed. Summer water shortages are projected to worsen under climate change.

The Port Angeles city council has repeatedly asked for a pause on logging in the watershed and that these forests be protected from upcoming logging to safeguard the city's sole drinking water source.

WA State Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz is running for US Congress as a climate champion and can stop this logging today. We have a unique opportunity to educate Franz on an important issue and encourage her to use her current position as Lands Commissioner to stand with the city of Port Angeles and be a champion for the world famous Elwha River. That’s why we need you to send a letter to Franz asking her to cancel the Power Plant and TCB23 timber sales and protect mature forests in the Elwha River watershed.

Click the "Start Writing" button to send a prewritten email to Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz.

For more information on logging in the watershed, visit the Elwha Legacy Forest Coalition webpage ElwhaLegacyForests.org.

Photo Credit: Forest2Sea.com