Urge Duke Administration to Drop Objections to Duke University Press Union Election

Duke and Duke University Press leadership are continuing to mount legal challenges and objections to our union of press workers, even as we’ve repeatedly and consistently demonstrated majority support.
At the vote count on June 29, Duke’s lawyer and DUP Director Dean Smith challenged the votes of two staff members on their own eligibility list—which appears to be a desperate move to delay and distract from recognizing the union.
On July 7, Duke petitioned the National Labor Relations Board to invalidate the results of the union election and hold a new election at an unspecified later date. The objections listed, such as minor Zoom glitches, had no material effect on the outcome of the election: there was an overwhelming turnout of 96 percent of eligible employees.
What kind of message does it send for Duke to drag its employees into a legal morass rather than accept the voice of its workers?
Here’s how you can help: First, sign and send this letter to Duke and DUP leaders. Then, share this form on social media and forward it to others who might like to sign. Thank you for your support and solidarity as we #UnionizeUP!