Urge Your Representative to Support RetirementPlus Enrollment

In 2001, Massachusetts introduced RetirementPlus, which allows teachers to retire a little earlier if they increase the amount they contribute to their pension to 11% of their salary. Teachers hired before July 1, 2001, had the option to elect to join RetirementPlus when it was enacted through an often-confusing process that led many to believe they were automatically enrolled, only later learning that they were not.

H.2630 would create a fair and clear pathway for teachers hired before July 1, 2001, to have a second opportunity to join RetirementPlus. A recent ruling by the Division of Administrative Law Appeals (DALA) has made it clear that legislation is needed to fix this problem. The bill is currently before the House Committee on Ways and Means, where it was sent after receiving a favorable reported from the Public Service Committee. But time is running out as the formal legislative session ends at the end of the day on July 31. After that date all bills require unanimous approval from both branches as well as the Governor to become law.

Please email your state representative and urge them to support this bill! Feel free to personalize the letter by sharing your story and why reopening enrollment in RetirementPlus is so important to you. Also, consider placing a phone call to your legislators to follow up on your email. You can find your legislators' contact numbers by clicking here.

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