Urge Your Maryland State Senator to Pass the Clean Water Justice Act

We’re close to passing SB653/HB1101 - Clean Water Justice Act and need your help to get it over the finish line. HB1101 passed the House and is now being considered in the Senate. Send an email to your State Senator today urging them to vote for SB653/HB1101.

Clean water for drinking, swimming, and fishing should be guaranteed. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court recently weakened the Clean Water Act (CWA) by removing federal protections for a majority of streams and wetlands.

Now communities rely on state laws more than ever to protect clean water. Fortunately, Maryland has strong water laws. But unlike at the federal level, in Maryland, there is no right for communities to file lawsuits under state law. This access to the courts is crucial, because a law is only meaningful when it is enforced.

The Clean Water Justice Act will give all communities harmed by illegal water pollution access to justice. Contact your State Senator today to ask them to vote yes on SB653/HB1101!

More info at https://waterkeeperschesapeake.org/clean-water-justice-act/