Urge Your Senators to Pass The For the People Act!
This is a critical moment for our democracy. Next week, a version of For the People Act (HR1) will likely be introduced in the Senate, offering an opportunity to impress upon our Senators that we want our democracy and everyone’s vote protected.
As Gaudium et Spes, an encyclical promulgated from Vatican II, states: “It is fully in accord with human nature that politico-juridical structures be devised which will increasingly and without discrimination provide all citizens with effective opportunities to play a free, active part in…the election of political leaders. All citizens ought to be aware of their right and duty to promote the common good by casting their votes.”
Our rights and duty to promote the common good is at risk. Despite zero evidence, 60 failed lawsuits, and persistent false claims that the last presidential election was stolen, over 380 bills restricting voting access have been introduced in 48 States. 22 of these bills have been passed in 14 states and 31 bills have passed in at least one chamber. 61 bills continue to move through 18 state legislatures.* Our right to vote is under threat throughout the U.S. and the federal government must intervene to protect our rights.
Join IPJC and Act Now!
* Voting Laws Roundup: May 2021 | Brennan Center for Justice