Urgent: MPs vote on Nationality and Borders Bill on Tuesday

#RefugeesWelcome #TogetherWithRefugees

MPs are set to vote on the Nationality and Borders Bill on Tuesday 22 March. Please send an email to your MP asking them to back our amendments.

Some Conservative MPs are prepared to vote against the government on specific amendments, as covered in the Guardian and Telegraph (18/03/22). This could encourage others to do the right thing.

Voting in the commons, comes as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is triggering the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two leading to 3 million refugees. Against the backdrop of huge public support for people fleeing the war, the government is pushing ahead with their bill, which will have far reaching consequences for people seeking safety in the UK, and will criminalise refugees who arrive in the country without prior authorisation.

We’re calling on MPs to support two amendments

  • To remove the principle of treating refugees differently based on how they arrive in the UK, rather than their need for protection.
  • A commitment to introduce safe routes through a predictable and long-term global target to resettle 10,000 refugees per year.

Please send this letter to your MP now. We are making some progress, but we need to secure more support to win significant concessions.

Thank you so much!

Warm wishes

Together With Refugees team