URGENT: Rally your MP for tomorrow’s (30th Jan) debate on fossil fuels and political lobbying!

URGENT: Write to your MP now to ask them to attend the adjournment debate tomorrow (30th Jan) about fossil fuels and political lobbying.

Caroline Lucas MP has secured a pivotal debate tomorrow (30th Jan) on fossil fuels and political lobbying. This is our moment to confront the industry's undue influence and demand change.

Despite global outcry over the climate crisis, our government is propping up polluting fossil fuels, weakening climate commitments, and approving new oil and gas exploration licences. Just last week, MPs voted through the climate-wrecking Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill.

It’s time to remind our MPs of their duty to represent our voices, not those of corporate interests. Write to your MP now and urge them to stand with us in this crucial debate.

For questions, reach out to info@fossilfreeparliament.uk. For insights on industry lobbying, consult Fossil Free Parliament's report.

Together, we can rid Parliament of fossil fuel influence for good. Will you take action with us today?