Urgent: Stop the Attack on LGBTQ+, Black, Brown and Immigrant People
Two hateful bills (HB 7 and HB 1557) have been fast-tracked and placed on the Florida House Special Order calendar this Tuesday, February 22nd. These bills - the Governor's Stop WOKE Act bill and the "Don't Say or Be LGBTQ+" target LGBTQ+, Black, Brown and Immigrant youth.
We need you to act today. Send this email by clicking "Start Writing" and then follow up with phone calls to your House Rep and/or social media posts about the bills that tag your Florida House Rep and Florida Senator. TAKE A STAND from HOME. Let legislators know that we will hold them accountable for voting against LGBTQ+, Black, Brown and Immigrant youth by destroying our public education system and stopping private businesses' ability to teach diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism practices to their employees.