U.S. House Recycling and Composting Bills need your support!

Please support composting and recycling bills

U.S. House Recycling and Composting Bills need your support!

Please urge Hon. Lisa Blunt Rochester and other United States Representatives to co-sponsor these important bills. The Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act (H.R. 6159) will create a pilot program to increase access to recycling services in underserved areas, and the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act (H.R. 4040) will improve the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to gather data on our nation’s recycling systems and explore opportunities for implementing a national composting strategy. These two bills have already passed in the U.S. Senate and are now being brought to the House of Representatives.

“Most Americans want to do their part to reduce waste and harmful pollution, yet, roughly two-thirds of recyclable materials still aren’t being recycled, resulting in more and more waste polluting our land, air and oceans. These two bipartisan bills will help address several of the challenges plaguing our nation’s recycling and composting systems — including reliable data collection and improving access to recycling programs. “

   – Senator Tom Carper, Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

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