US Munitions Used in Violent Repression of Strikes in Buenaventura, Colombia: Tell Congress This Must Stop

Witness for Peace is gravely concerned about the use of US munitions (tear gas and rubber bullets) in the violent state repression of the ongoing general strike in the Afro-Colombian port city of Buenaventura, Colombia. At least six people have been reported injured since ESMAD began firing
at civilians using firearms, beginning in the early morning on Wednesday, May
31st. The faith-based monitoring group Inter-Church Justice and Peace Commission reported the Gaitanistas paramilitary group murdered two residents of Buenaventura on Tuesday, March 30th. And on June 1st, Colombian media reported community members and medical personnel denouncing ESMAD having attacked a medical center in Buenaventura.
Tell the US Congress to immediately stop all arms transfers (including munitions) to and any training for the ESMAD anti-riot unit.