Tell UTLA Leaders: End this botched election immediately and call in a neutral third-party to oversee a transparent and democratic election!
This is a crisis.
We are so close to the election deadline and hundreds of teachers have not received their ballots. There are ballots with candidates’ names missing. There are ballots with entire races missing. Candidates’ names have been misspelled and slate names were dropped on all of the ballots.
The current UTLA election should be a transparent and democratic process -- but it’s not. These are egregious and unacceptable errors that are disenfranchising potentially thousands of voters and jeopardizing the legitimacy and integrity of the 2020 UTLA election
We can -- and must -- do better. Take action now to tell UTLA leaders: End this botched election immediately and call in a neutral third-party to oversee a transparent and democratic election.
The legitimacy and integrity of the 2020 UTLA election is at stake, so please act now!