We Demand A Fully Elected School Board
1. If Prince George's voters are capable enough to elect our County Council, our County Executive, our Delegates and Senators, surely we are capable enough to elect our School Board.
2. We acquired a
hybrid board when democracy was subverted and a task force bill was
completely re-written and pushed through the state legislature in 2013.
Voting rights would only be rescinded in this fashion in a
majority-minority county by our elected representatives.
3. As recent events have shown us, appointed school board members are made to feel obliged to the officials who appoint them. This is hardly surprising but clearly unacceptable.
4. Accountability to our the voters and tax payers and ultimately to our students can only be achieved if the school board is independent and fully comprised of elected members.
5. Write to the Prince George's delegates and senators and demand legislation to revert our school board to fully elected.