Tell Rep. Ryan Berman we need fair overtime pay today! Ensure fair pay for hard work for 200,000 workers.

Many of us have heard what families in salaried jobs go through. When a worker is on salary, that person makes a fixed amount of money, but there is no limit to the amount of time an employer can make us work -- it could be 50, 60, or 70 hours per week. Employers benefit tremendously from this, but under current Michigan rules, salaried workers can never earn more from our hard work.
The super rich and big corporations are doing just fine, but this rule change is important because it would allow nearly 200,000 Michigan workers who make salaries of $36,000 and $51,000 to get fair overtime pay for their hard work when they put in extra hours.
If this rule changes it won't just benefit those 200,000 workers, we will all benefit under these changes. Even if you do not personally get paid more, these workers who will start to get paid more for their hard work, will spend their overtime pay in communities all across Michigan. That spending will mean more jobs, raises, and vibrant small businesses which helps all hardworking Michigan families.
This is very important to families across the state, and I urge you to support fair overtime rules!