We Support Our UC Teamsters Bargaining Team!
Our Teamsters Bargaining Team is in negotiations with the University of California for fair pay and benefits for every newly-accreted Teamster! Negotiations are ongoing right now for Ambulatory Care Administration Coordinators, Facilities Management Specialists, Health Professional Education Specialists, Research Administrators, Patient Relations Professionals, and Community Health Program Representatives. Our team will fight for our rights as they negotiate wage ranges, initial salary step placement, leave accrual conversions, shift differential pay, and title and pay advancement for Level 1 training positions with the UC.
We have one thousand reasons to support our bargaining team, and one thousand reasons to demand more of the UC. The UC brings in billions every year from public funding and rising student tuition, but still they force their own workers to pay more in employee retirement contributions, parking, and healthcare-related costs. They claim a commitment to public service at the same time as they say that there is no more money for the workers who keep the UC running.
We ask that newly-accreted Teamsters get to share in the ratification lump sum that all CX Teamsters received in 2022, that Patient Relations Professionals receive a 2% step proxy raise, and that the UC stop red-circling 49 of their employees. The money these asks represent is pennies to the UC but would allow newly-accreted workers to buy groceries, pay rent, and to keep making a living in the most expensive state in the country.
Show your support for our Bargaining Team by sending a letter to UC Chancellors and Health Executives together with the 17,000 powerful members of Teamsters Local 2010!