Tell Congress: The U.S. Must Welcome Palestinian Refugees

Tell your House Member and Senators to sign on to the bicameral Casar-Durbin letter in support of Palestinian refugees. The letter urges the administration to consider opening pathways to Palestinian refugees, particularly those with family members in the United States.

If implemented, this policy could save the lives of thousands of Palestinians and unite them with their families in the United States while we work for an immediate and lasting ceasefire.

Rep. Greg Casar, Sen. Dick Durbin, and Rep. Pramila Jayapal are leading a bicameral letter expressing strong support for a Priority-2 (P-2) designation under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for Palestinians in Gaza with family in the United States. The Biden administration is reportedly considering this policy change. [1]

Palestinians are so rarely granted U.S. refugee status that, of the over 60,000 refugees resettled in the United States in 2023, fewer than 0.1% were Palestinians. [2]

This bicameral effort led by Congressman Casar, Senator Durbin, and Congresswoman Jayapal is strongly urging the White House for a Priority-2 (P-2) designation under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for Palestinians in Gaza with family members in the United States.

If Palestinians in Gaza are granted a P-2 designation under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), thousands with family in the United States could be resettled here to join family members.

We can not miss this opportunity to save lives.

Email. Congress. Now.


  1. White House considers welcoming some Palestinians from war-torn Gaza as refugees,” CBS News, Apr. 30, 2024.

  2. Republicans want to ban Palestinian refugees from entering the U.S., but it's already very hard for them to get in,” NBC News, Oct. 7, 2023.