Workers Stand with Workers: Support the DSA Union

Seven Democratic Socialists of America Union (TNG-CWA Local 32035) staff members were given termination notices on April 10th, with the official termination date of May 25th. This occurred a few days after our Communications Director was laid off. While DSA's income has increased and staff costs decreased, the National Political Committee (NPC)—DSA's Board of Directors—has refused to lower the number of layoffs.

Additionally, the non-unit Data & Technology manager resigned at the end of March, explicitly stating that they did not wish to keep their job at the expense of others losing theirs. The NPC has not acknowledged this former staffer's personal sacrifice and is stubbornly refusing to lower the number of terminations. Accepting their resignation without telling them that it would not save another job is, in our opinion, deceptive and cruel. It’s unacceptable to treat any worker this way.

Our Union has made many attempts to negotiate with the NPC in good faith, to open formal and informal dialogue, publicly and privately. We've offered alternatives to layoffs, supported significant and impactful fundraising efforts, and have always been willing to negotiate a smaller staff. We are willing to bargain in good faith with the NPC—we are calling on them to do the same.

Workers stand with workers! That's why we're asking you to send a letter to DSA's Board of Directors asking them to bargain with us in good faith.

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The DSA Union is a unit of the Washington-Baltimore News Guild, TNG-CWA Local 32035. No DSA resources were used to make this letter-writing campaign.