Write a letter to Gov Hochul and the leaders of NYS! #HomeCareNOTCuts

Caring Majority Rising, Write a Letter to NYS Leaders to Fight for Home Care! Your letter will be printed and included in letter delivery action this fall! image of large red bag with the following words printed on it: Home Care Emergency, 8000+ letters for fair pay, Deliver to Governor Hochul

We are tired of fighting short-sighted cuts and roll-backs each year to the progress we have made toward Fair Pay for Home Care. Demand for home care will only grow as our population ages, and New York State has a responsibility to care for older adults and people with disabilities.

Older adults, home care workers, family caregivers and people with disabilities are writing letters to Governor Hochul, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins demanding investment in home care to solve NYS's worst-in-the-nation home care worker shortage. When you write to the leaders of New York State using this form, your letter will be sent via email AND will be printed and included in our letter delivery day this fall.

Fill out your return address information in this form, and click "start writing" to write and send your letter!

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