Write letter to the Canadian government: call to UNGA & member states to investigate apartheid

Take 1 minute to the Canadian members of parliament, and Canadian Ambassador to the UN Bob Rae

Let them know that you are asking them to act in line with the call Palestinian and international civil society to the UNGA and member states to:

  • Launch international investigations into Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people as a whole, as well as associated State and individual criminal responsibility, including by reconstituting the UN Special Committee against Apartheid and the UN Centre Against Apartheid to end apartheid in the 21st century.
  • Ban arms trade and military-security cooperation with Israel.
  • Prohibit all trade with illegal Israeli settlements and ensure that companies refrain from and terminate business activities with Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise.


In light of the mounting recognition of Israel’s maintenance of an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people, which will only continue to be entrenched through annexation, over 230 Palestinian, regional, and international civil society organisations, urge the UN General Assembly to take urgent and effective actions to address the root causes of Palestinian oppression and to end Israel’s occupation, illegal blockade of Gaza, unlawful acquisition of Palestinian territory by force, its regime of apartheid over the Palestinian people as a whole, and the prolonged denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including to self-determination and the right of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes, lands, and property. Just Peace Advocates was pleased to join from Canada in this submission to the UNGA.

Read more HERE.

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