Stop the UNRWA Ban

On Friday March 22nd, Congress is set to vote on legislation that will ban all US funding to UNRWA - the largest provider of life-saving assistance to Palestinian in Gaza right now - through March 2025.

President Biden has said that if passed, he will sign this bill immediately.

By cutting off funding for UNRWA, Congress and President Biden are preventing Palestinians in Gaza from accessing critical humanitarian aid and creating one of the worst famines ever seen in history.

Tell Congress to vote no on the FY2024 appropriations bill and immediately restore critical US funding to UNRWA.

More than one million Palestinians in Gaza are facing imminent famine. Withdrawing all US funding to the largest provider of humanitarian assistance to Palestinians makes death and starvation US policy.

The immoral appropriations bill being brought to a vote this week not only cuts off all support to a key lifeline for Palestinians refugees, but also allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to further militarize our southern border and detain, deport, and separate families.

Our nation’s budget reflects our values and priorities. The budget Congress and President Biden are working to pass in the FY24 appropriations bill shows those values to be death, destruction, and militarism.

We must demand that they invest our money in protecting and sustaining life instead.

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