Yes truly clean energy (strengthen S2978), No unaffordable dirty gas (A577)

In the midst of the climate emergency, last week we stopped the unaffordable dirty gas bill the fossil fuel industry is pushing (A577) for now. And a truly clean energy bill (S2978 if strengthened) is scheduled for a vote December 18th. The fossil fuel industry is pushing false climate solutions here like RNG, hydrogen and carbon capture that lets corporate interests charge billions and profit off ratepayers’ backs, overburdened communities' lungs, and our climate.

Please email your legislators and legislative leadership and urge them to say yes to truly clean energy by ensuring environmental and labor protections in S2978 on or by Dec. 18th and keep the unaffordable dirty gas bill (A577) where it belongs -- deep sixed!

 Learn more about the Clean Energy bill here. Learn more about the Dirty Gas RNG bill here.

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