10.2 Million Workers Physically Cannot Wait For Retirement

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Rep. Kevin Brady

A recent report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research shows that 10.2 million workers ages 58 and older (43.8 percent of workers in that age range) are employed in either physically demanding jobs or jobs with difficult working conditions.

Yet, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Kevin Brady, Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, continue to call for cuts to Social Security that include raising the retirement age.

With the Social Security retirement age already at 67 and with many retirees forgoing their earned Social Security benefits into their 70s to ensure the maximum financial return, future retirees cannot physically or financially afford for Social Security’s retirement age to be raised once again.

Brady recently spoke at a forum at the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center and said:

“Look, we all know what we need to do on Social Security. You have to gradually raise the full retirement age to 70…, means test wealthier Americans … and create a true cost of living for seniors.”

This three-part formula for cutting Social Security is a well-documented disaster for current and future retirees. All we really need to do is ask the very wealthy to pay their fair share into Social Security and we can shore-up Social Security’s trust fund for the next 70 years and increase benefits for millions of Americans.

Please, stand with the Alliance for Retired Americans, Center for Community Change Action and People For the American Way in rejecting Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Chairman Kevin Brady’s calls for deep cuts to Social Security.

To: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Rep. Kevin Brady
From: [Your Name]

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady

As you prepare to vote on the FY 2017 federal budget – your conservative economic blueprint for the country – we demand that you completely remove cuts to Social Security. Raising the Social Security retirement age (not to mention means-testing and privatization) flies in the face of recent data that shows that 10.2 million American workers cannot physically wait any longer to retire.