End Retaliatory & Toxic Caging at Imperial Regional Detention Facility | ¡Basta con el Enjaulamiento Tóxico y las Represalias en Imperial!

Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Management & Training Corporation (MTC)

Flyer with "End Retaliatory and Toxic Caging at Imperial Regional Detention Facility" text and image of Imperial Regional Detention Facility
Innovation Law Lab

Add your name to support the demands of leaders detained by ICE at the Imperial Regional Detention Facility in Calexico, California!

[<<abajo en español>>]

In January 2022, detained leaders and legal advocates jointly filed a federal complaint regarding the inhumanely toxic conditions inside Imperial. The complaint urged the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversight agencies to immediately:

  • Investigate the contaminated water, mold, dust, and toxic air at Imperial; and eliminate, or at least mitigate, these harmful and hazardous conditions;

  • Advocate for the end of the ICE detention contract at Imperial, and the reallocation of millions of taxpayer dollars to better the health of our communities;

  • Recommend the immediate release of all individuals detained at Imperial to their communities and loved ones.

Building on this advocacy, people detained at Imperial have, as of May 2022, surfaced the seven core demands below. Add your name to show your support and to keep posted on more ways to free them all and end ICE detention in the Imperial Valley.

1. MITIGATE THE TOXIC & DEADLY CONDITIONS IMMEDIATELY. In May 2022, DHS oversight staff visited the facility and documented the pervasive, cancerous dust inside, despite MTC’s attempts to paint over mold and pollution right before the visit. Even though the federal complaint was filed many months ago, individuals continue to suffer and report an ongoing struggle to just be able to breathe.

2. PROVIDE FREE ACCESS TO GEAR TO PROTECT FROM EXTREME HEAT & SUN. Facing extreme heat outside in the yard and subsequent deleterious health consequences, where many detained individuals are forced to perform manual labor, leaders inside recently demanded and won access to tarps in some of the outside space, as well as limited access to sunblock. But despite the fact that detention standards require access to protective clothing, MTC still does not provide protective clothing nor even make it available for purchase through commissary – and only recently has allowed loved ones to buy long-sleeves and hats for those inside.

3. FACILITATE ACCESS TO LEGALLY MANDATED IMMIGRATION LAW MATERIALS & RESOURCES. Faced with the daunting prospect of fighting their own immigration cases without legal representation, translation, or interpretation, people imprisoned at Imperial lack access to basic immigration law materials that ICE is required to provide. They do not even have access to functioning computers; the ones provided are old and faulty and individuals have reported incidents of entire case folders being erased.

4. SERVE ADEQUATE, REAL FOOD INSTEAD OF EXPIRED & CONTAMINATED PRODUCTS. At Imperial and throughout the ICE detention system, the “food” offered is unhealthful, repetitive, and gross. People deserve decent food!

5. END THE MEDICAL ABUSE AND NEGLIGENCE. Lack of access to medical care is commonplace in ICE detention, and the remote location of Imperial makes this particularly dangerous. For example, in April 2022, Donald was forced to undergo a brutal and torturous “hospitalization” in handcuffs. He had struggled to advocate for an urgently needed back surgery which was necessary to prevent paralysis, and was initially relieved to hear that this might be possible. However, during his time at the hospital, despite the on-site physician directing that he be allowed to get up and stretch regularly, ICE’s contracted Spectrum Security guards kept him chained to his bed for two weeks, even though he was desperate to move his body in order to be able to heal. Donald also was deprived of phone access the entire time, and thus deprived of access to counsel. ICE refused to disclose to his legal team where he was being held until a legal staff member went to their office at the detention center.

6. END RETALIATION AGAINST DETAINED ADVOCATES. Retaliation against people speaking out against ICE and MTC is an ongoing danger at Imperial. Most recently, U- was thrown into solitary confinement under the guise of it being “protective custody” in retaliation for speaking with DHS oversight staff while they were visiting Imperial. When U- disputed the lie that he had asked to be put into “protective” custody, the MTC guard responded, “You want to be complaining? This is what you get. I’m not gonna change your order. You’re in protective custody.” U- referred to it as being “kidnapped within the facility.” We demand that the retaliation against U- and all those detained end immediately.

7. END ALL USE OF SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. The lengthy history of retaliatory solitary confinement being weaponized by MTC against detained organizers at Imperial is well documented. In October 2021, following California’s passage of the Accountability in Detention Act, MTC was the first private prison company in the entire state to be sued for the abuse of detained immigrants. Carlos Murillo, who grew up in Imperial County, was held in solitary confinement at Imperial for more than a year. Solitary confinement is defined as torture by the United Nations and must stop immediately. Toward this end, we call on California community members and officials to support the Mandela Act (AB 2632). In the meantime, ICE and MTC must release Ramon, U-, and all from “the hole” now!

#FreeThemAll #ShutItDown #CommunitiesNotCages

The Imperial Liberation Collaborative (ILC) is a project of organizations and individuals seeking to support and free those detained at the Imperial Regional Detention Facility.


¡Basta con el enjaulamiento tóxico y las represalias en Imperial!

¡Agregue su nombre a la petición para apoyar las demandas de los líderes detenidos por ICE en el centro de detención de Imperial en Calexico, California!

En enero de 2022, los líderes detenidos y defensores legales presentaron juntos una denuncia federal sobre las condiciones tóxicas inhumanas dentro de Imperial. La denuncia instó a las agencias de supervisión del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS por sus siglas en inglés) a que inmediatamente:

  • Investiguen el agua contaminada, el moho, el polvo y el aire tóxico en Imperial; y eliminar, o al menos mitigar, las condiciones dañinas y peligrosas;

  • Abogar por el fin del contrato de detención de ICE en Imperial y la reasignación de millones de dólares de los contribuyentes para mejorar la salud de nuestras comunidades;

  • Recomendar la liberación inmediata de todas las personas detenidas en Imperial para que regresen a sus comunidades y seres queridos.

Desde la presentación de esta queja, las personas detenidas en Imperial han desarrollado, a partir de mayo de 2022, las siguientes siete demandas principales. Firma su nombre para mostrar su apoyo y mantenerse informado sobre más formas de liberar a todos y acabar con la detención de ICE en el Valle Imperial.

1. MITIGAR DE INMEDIATO LAS CONDICIONES TÓXICAS Y MORTALES. En mayo de 2022, el personal de supervisión del DHS visitó el centro y documentó adentro el polvo canceroso penetrante, a pesar de los intentos de la MTC de tapar el moho y la contaminación con pintura justo antes de la visita. Aunque se presentó una denuncia federal hace muchos meses, las personas continúan sufriendo y reportan una lucha contínua solo para poder respirar.

2. GARANTIZAR ACCESO GRATUITO A LO NECESARIO PARA PROTEGERSE DEL CALOR EXTREMO Y DEL SOL. Enfrentando el calor extremo afuera en el “yard” (donde muchas personas detenidas están obligadas a realizar trabajos manuales) y las consecuencias nocivas para la salud que conlleva, recientemente los líderes detenidos exigieron y obtuvieron acceso a unas “mini” lonas en una parte del espacio, así como acceso limitado a bloqueador solar. Pero a pesar del hecho de que los estándares de detención de ICE requieren acceso a la ropa protectora, MTC aún no la ofrece, ni siquiera la pone a la venta a través del almacén, y solo recientemente ha permitido que los seres queridos afuera compren las mangas largas y sombreros para los que están adentro.

3. FACILITAR EL ACCESO A LOS MATERIALES Y RECURSOS SOBRE LA LEY DE INMIGRACIÓN QUE SON LEGALMENTE REQUERIDOS. Enfrentados a la abrumadora perspectiva de pelear sus propios casos de inmigración sin representación legal, traducción o interpretación, las personas encarceladas en Imperial carecen de acceso a los materiales básicos sobre la ley de inmigración que ICE debe proporcionar. Ni siquiera tienen acceso a computadoras funcionales; los que hay son viejos y defectuosos y las personas detenidas han informado de incidentes en los que se han borrado carpetas de casos completas.

4. SERVIR COMIDA ADECUADA Y VERDADERA EN LUGAR DE LOS PRODUCTOS CADUCADOS Y CONTAMINADOS. En Imperial y en todo el sistema de detención de ICE, la “comida” que se ofrece repetitiva y asquerosa y no es saludable. ¡Los seres humanos merecen comida decente!

5. PONER FIN AL ABUSO MÉDICO Y LA NEGLIGENCIA MÉDICA. La falta de acceso a la atención médica es común en los centros de detención de ICE, y la ubicación remota de Imperial hace que esto sea particularmente peligroso. Por ejemplo, en abril de 2022, Donald fue obligado a someterse a una brutal y tortuosa “hospitalización” esposado. Había luchado para abogar por una cirugía de espalda que se necesitaba con urgencia y que era necesaria para prevenir la parálisis, y al principio se sintió aliviado al saber que esto podría ser posible. Sin embargo, durante su estadía en el hospital, a pesar de que el médico en el lugar indicó que se le permitiera levantarse y estirarse con regularidad, los guardias de Spectrum Security contratados por ICE lo mantuvieron encadenado a su cama durante dos semanas, a pesar de que estaba desesperado por mover su cuerpo para poder sanar. Donald también fue privado del acceso telefónico todo el tiempo y, por lo tanto, fue privado del acceso a su abogado. ICE se negó a revelar a su equipo legal dónde estaba detenido hasta que un asistente legal fue a la oficina de ICE en el centro de detención.

6. PONER FIN A LAS REPRESALIAS CONTRA LOS LÍDERES DETENIDOS. Las represalias contra las personas que hablan en contra de ICE y MTC son un peligro continuo en Imperial. Más recientemente, U- fue puesto en confinamiento solitario con el pretexto de que se trataba de una "custodia protectora." De hecho fue una represalia por hablar con el personal de supervisión del DHS mientras visitaban Imperial. Cuando U- cuestionó la mentira de que había pedido que le pusieran bajo custodia “protectora”, el guardia del MTC respondió: “¿Quieres quejarte? Esto es lo que te va a pasar. No voy a cambiar tu custodia. Estás bajo custodia protectora.” U- se refirió a la experiencia como ser “secuestrado dentro del centro”. Exigimos el cese inmediato de las represalias contra U- y todos los detenidos.

7. ACABAR COMPLETAMENTE CON EL USO DEL CONFINAMIENTO SOLITARIO. La larga historia del confinamiento solitario como represalia utilizada por MTC como arma contra los organizadores detenidos en Imperial ha sido ampliamente documentada. En octubre de 2021, después de la aprobación de la ley de “responsabilidad en la detención” de California, MTC fue la primera compañía de prisiones privadas en todo el estado en ser demandada por el abuso de inmigrantes detenidos. Carlos Murillo, quien creció en el condado de Imperial, estuvo recluido en régimen de aislamiento en Imperial durante más de un año. El confinamiento solitario está definido como tortura por las Naciones Unidas y debe terminar de inmediato. Con este fin, hacemos un llamado a los miembros y funcionarios de la comunidad de California para que apoyen la Ley Mandela (AB 2632). Mientras tanto, ¡ICE y MTC deben liberar a Ramón, U- y todos del “hoyo” ahora!

#LiberenATodos #Cierralo #ComunidadesNoJaulas


El Colaborativo de Liberación de Imperial (ILC por sus siglas en inglés) es un proyecto de las personas detenidas y simpatizantes afuera que buscan liberar a todos los detenidos en el centro de detención de Imperial.

To: Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Management & Training Corporation (MTC)
From: [Your Name]

We call on you to take action immediately on the following:

1. MITIGATE THE TOXIC & DEADLY CONDITIONS IMMEDIATELY. In May 2022, DHS oversight staff visited the facility and documented the pervasive, cancerous dust inside, despite MTC’s attempts to paint over mold and pollution right before the visit. Even though the federal complaint was filed many months ago, individuals continue to suffer and report an ongoing struggle to just be able to breathe.

2. PROVIDE FREE ACCESS TO GEAR TO PROTECT FROM EXTREME HEAT & SUN. Facing extreme heat outside in the yard and subsequent deleterious health consequences, where many detained individuals are forced to perform manual labor, leaders inside recently demanded and won access to tarps in some of the outside space, as well as limited access to sunblock. But despite the fact that detention standards require access to protective clothing, MTC still does not provide protective clothing nor even make it available for purchase through commissary – and only recently has allowed loved ones to buy long-sleeves and hats for those inside.

3. FACILITATE ACCESS TO LEGALLY MANDATED IMMIGRATION LAW MATERIALS & RESOURCES. Faced with the daunting prospect of fighting their own immigration cases without legal representation, translation, or interpretation, people imprisoned at Imperial lack access to basic immigration law materials that ICE is required to provide. They do not even have access to functioning computers; the ones provided are old and faulty and individuals have reported incidents of entire case folders being erased.

4. SERVE ADEQUATE, REAL FOOD INSTEAD OF EXPIRED & CONTAMINATED PRODUCTS. At Imperial and throughout the ICE detention system, the “food” offered is unhealthful, repetitive, and gross. People deserve decent food!

5. END THE MEDICAL ABUSE AND NEGLIGENCE. Lack of access to medical care is commonplace in ICE detention, ​and the remote location of Imperial makes this particularly dangerous. For example, in April 2022, Donald was forced to undergo a brutal and torturous “hospitalization” in handcuffs. He had struggled to advocate for an urgently needed back surgery which was necessary to prevent paralysis, and was initially relieved to hear that this might be possible. However, during his time at the hospital, despite the on-site physician directing that he be allowed to get up and stretch regularly, ICE’s contracted Spectrum Security guards kept him chained to his bed for two weeks, even though he was desperate to move his body in order to be able to heal. Donald also was deprived of phone access the entire time, and thus deprived of access to counsel. ICE refused to disclose to his legal team where he was being held until a legal staff member went to their office at the detention center.

6. END RETALIATION AGAINST DETAINED ADVOCATES. Retaliation against people speaking out against ICE and MTC is an ongoing danger at Imperial. Most recently, U- was thrown into solitary confinement under the guise of it being “protective custody” in retaliation for speaking with DHS oversight staff while they were visiting Imperial. When U- disputed the lie that he had asked to be put into “protective” custody, the MTC guard responded, “You want to be complaining? This is what you get. I’m not gonna change your order. You’re in protective custody.” U- referred to it as being “kidnapped within the facility.” We demand that the retaliation against U- and all those detained end immediately.

7. END ALL USE OF SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. The lengthy history of retaliatory solitary confinement being weaponized by MTC against detained organizers at Imperial is well documented. In October 2021, following California’s passage of the Accountability in Detention Act, MTC was the first private prison company in the entire state to be sued for the abuse of detained immigrants. Carlos Murillo, who grew up in Imperial County, was held in solitary confinement at Imperial for more than a year. Solitary confinement is defined as torture by the United Nations and must stop immediately. In the meantime, ICE and MTC must release Ramon, U-, and all from “the hole” now!