2023 Federal Legislative Agenda
U.S. Congress
As we take our annual summer break, please note that we cannot take a break from our advocacy for the issues concerning us and our communities. Recent gun violence, reversal of COVID-era student loan debt protections, and emergent environmental challenges are harsh reminders that elected officials are not upholding their commitments to us. We must hold them accountable for passing legislation to protect our communities from violence and environmental calamities and ensure our economic opportunity and upward mobility.
Please sign the attached petition to send a strong signal that PEO is watching, and we expect them to do what we elected them to do in service to us, our families, and our communities.
Thank you!
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U.S. Congress
[Your Name]
Dear Member of Congress,
I write today deeply distressed that not enough is being done to protect me, my family, and my community from direct and indirect harm. When I cast my vote in 2022, I expected you to take bold, effective, and urgent action to address issues like student loan debt, access to health care, climate change, economic security, and voting rights.
As a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ~ Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter, I ask that you review our legislative agenda (linked here) and take immediate action to sponsor, co-sponsor, and pass legislation that will:
• Protect the Right to Vote by fighting voter suppression, protecting a fair elections process, and ensuring that dirty money is not allowed in our elections.
• Prevent Police Brutality by ensuring that current Maryland law against police misconduct is strengthened by federal law holding police accountable, restricting the use of dangerous practices, and improving transparency through data collection and reporting.
• Ensure a Woman’s Right to Reproductive Health Services, including but not limited to safe termination of a pregnancy, access to contraception, and preventive health screenings.
• Protect Black Women During Pregnancy and Childbirth by ensuring they have access to quality pre-and post-natal care to prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries for them and their infants.
• Strengthen Our Nation’s Climate Change Efforts to protect our environment before it is too late and to facilitate environmental justice for minority and low-income communities.
You swore an oath to “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
I am counting on YOU to do your best to live up to your oath and work hard to pass legislation that will improve the quality of life for myself, your constituents in Maryland, and the nation.