Protect your right to vote safely and by mail

Governor Doug Ducey and the Arizona State Legislature

Dear Friend,

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act that the United States Congress passed and became law, included $400 million dollars sent directly to states to support the right of people to vote during these difficult and unpredictable times.

The health and well-being of people is the priority—and voting in the upcoming primary and general elections must place the health and well-being of people as a priority as well. The state of Arizona is receiving $8.4 million dollars for election support.

I hope you will sign my petition to urge Governor Ducey to utilize a universal vote-by-mail for all eligible voters in Arizona, with prepaid return postage.

Additionally, accessible drop-off sites for early voting with extended time is necessary. In these trying times when voters will be electing their state, local and national representatives, it is essential for our democracy and our future recovery that everyone have the opportunity to vote that is safe and accessible.

Sign my petition: Demand Governor Ducey and the Arizona State Legislature utilize a universal vote-by-mail for all eligible voters in Arizona, with prepaid return postage in addition to other voter protections.


Adelita S.Grijalva

Petition by
Elvira Din
Tucson, Arizona

To: Governor Doug Ducey and the Arizona State Legislature
From: [Your Name]

We the undersigned, all for Arizona Governor Ducey and the Arizona State Legislature to use and at a minimum match the federal election protection funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, protecting the integrity of the voting process in this time of widespread pandemic due to COVID-19, call for increasing the accessibility to exercise the right to vote by sending all voters a ballot by mail, expanding access to early voting and mail ballot drop of centers, and if Election Day polling places remain an option then set in place regulations ensuring the health and safety of poll workers and voters must be established. In addition to improving front line election workers hazard pay incentives.