Impeach President Trump for Muslim Ban

Senator Mitch McConnell

President Trump has violated the constitution of the United States with his Muslim ban, and regardless of several judges ruling to stop the deportation of Muslims, the Department of Homeland Security issued a press release saying at once that DHS "will continue to enforce all of President Trump’s Executive Orders."

Sign here to call on Senator McConnell to preserve our democracy by swiftly impeaching President Trump if the president refuses to obey the courts and the U.S. Constitution.

Petition by

To: Senator Mitch McConnell
From: [Your Name]

President Trump, by ignoring court orders to stop the detention and deportation of Muslims based on their religion and country of origin, has created a Constitutional crisis. If the President refuses to follow the rulings of the Courts, our last recourse to protect our democracy is you, the Senate Leader, who can impeach the president. We call on you to serve your country first, and impeach President Trump if he fails to obey the courts.