To the Rapid City Area Schools Board: We Demand the Permanent Removal of Superintendent Nicole Swigart

Rapid City Area Schools Board, Superintendent Nicole Swigart

ACTION ALERT: Calling all Rapid City Area Schools students and families both current and alumni to sign this petition to demand accountability and the Permanent Removal of Superintendent Nicole Swigart.

In addition to signing this petition we implore all students and families both current and alumni to join the upcoming school board meetings (next date: Jul 16, 2024).


The Rapid City Area Schools (RCAS) district is currently facing significant scrutiny following the release of a comprehensive Office of Civil Rights (OCR) report. This report concludes a 14-year investigation into systemic discrimination against Native students within the district. The findings highlight pervasive issues of racial bias, unequal treatment, and lack of support for Native students, underscoring deep-rooted systemic problems that require immediate attention and action.

"[Native Americans] do not commonly value education," Said Superintendent Nicole Swigart

The findings of the OCR report, coupled with Superintendent Nicole Swigart's controversial behavior, highlight the critical need for systemic change and effective leadership. Addressing these issues is not only a moral imperative but also essential for creating an equitable and supportive educational environment for all students.

Superintendent Nicole Swigart's Role

Amid this critical juncture, Superintendent Nicole Swigart has come under fire for her handling of the situation. Swigart has made racist comments and exhibiting a lack of effective leadership. Her actions, or lack thereof, have exacerbated tensions and undermined trust within the community, particularly among Native students and their families. Instead of addressing the issues head-on and working towards meaningful solutions, Swigart's response has been perceived as dismissive and inadequate.

Key Issues

  1. Racist Comments:

    • Reports have surfaced of Superintendent Swigart making racially insensitive remarks, further alienating the Native community and reinforcing the concerns outlined in the OCR report.

  2. Lack of Leadership:

    • Swigart has failed to demonstrate the necessary leadership to guide the district through this crisis. Her approach has been criticized as lacking empathy, transparency, and a genuine commitment to addressing the identified issues.

  3. Systemic Discrimination:

    • The OCR report reveals systemic discrimination against Native students, including disparities in discipline, academic support, and overall treatment within the school system. These findings necessitate urgent and comprehensive reforms.

  4. Community Distrust:

    • The Native community's trust in RCAS leadership has been severely eroded. Swigart's actions have done little to rebuild this trust, leading to calls for her resignation and demands for a leadership change.

Our Demands:

We collectively call for the permanent removal of current Superintendent Nicole Swigart's. It is imperative that immediate and decisive action is taken to address the issues identified in the OCR report and to restore trust within the community.

  1. Leadership Change:

    • Given the severity of the allegations and the critical need for effective leadership, a change in the superintendent position may be necessary to facilitate genuine progress and healing.

  2. Implementation of OCR Recommendations:

    • The district must prioritize the implementation of the recommendations outlined in the OCR report. This includes creating equitable policies, providing adequate support for Native students, and ensuring accountability at all levels.

  3. Community Engagement:

    • Active and meaningful engagement with the Native community is essential. This involves listening to their concerns, involving them in decision-making processes, and demonstrating a commitment to addressing their needs.

  4. Cultural Competency Training:

    • Mandatory cultural competency training for all RCAS staff, including the administration, to ensure a better understanding and respect for Native culture and history.

  5. Monitoring and Accountability:

    • Establishing a transparent monitoring system to track progress and ensure accountability in implementing reforms. This could involve regular updates to the community and oversight by an independent body.

Helpful Documents:

Read the OCR report here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Read the OCR Press Release here:

Read the OCR and RCAS Resolution Agreement here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

#NoRacistAdminOnStolenLand #RapidCityvsRacism

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To: Rapid City Area Schools Board, Superintendent Nicole Swigart
From: [Your Name]

I write to you today in support of the permanent and immediate removal of Superintendent Nicole Swigart. Swigart's lack of leadership, and racist comments made towards Native American students and their families, coupled with the concerns outlined in the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) report demands immediate and swift action.

Racism and discrimination at the highest level of leadership within the Rapid City Area Schools board is shameful and will not be tolerated.

Experts, at the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) found in their most recent report, "OCR’s investigation raised concerns that similarly situated Native American and white students have been treated differently at the referral and sanctioning stages of the District’s discipline process and with respect to access, referral, identification, and selection for the District’s advanced learning programs and courses."

Students and their families should not live in fear when arriving on their school campus or when attending RCAS board meetings. School should be a place of safety and it is evident that under the "leadership" of Superintendent Nicole Swigart that hasn't been the case for Native American Students and their families.

I urge you to please support Native American students, families, and alumni by permanently removing Superintendent Nicole Swigart from her position within the Rapid City Area Schools.