Momentum: Let your members have a say on who we back for Labour leader
Momentum National Coordinating Group

Momentum: Let your members have a say on who we back for Labour leader
Momentum National Coordinating Group
[Your Name]
We are Momentum members and we call on Momentum to let its members decide who the organisation will back to be the next Labour leader and run a one member one vote process to make this decision.
Momentum was set up in the wake of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership election and ever since, Momentum members, staff and elected representatives have given thousands of hours to build a socialist Labour party and elect a Labour government.
The terrible election defeat and Corbyn's departure make this a crucial moment for the organisation. Who follows him has to be a decision made by all of the membership and one that everyone can take part in.
Over the next few years we will need to redouble our efforts to build a popular majority for a socialist Labour government and to build power in our communities ready for the next election, so that we can win real change in our society.
To do so, we will need to continue with our project of democratising the Labour party so that it is capable of channelling the energy of the hundreds of thousands of party activists into action and of creating and offering a programme of transformative change, and we will also need to elect a socialist as the next leader of the Labour party.
To achieve these objectives it is vital that Momentum members have the opportunity to have an open discussion regarding our aims and plans going forward and to decide collectively who to back in this leadership election so that we can speak with a strong and united voice.