Sign the Petition: Allow Community Solar in Anne Arundel County
Anne Arundel County Executive

Nearly half of all Americans cannot enjoy the benefits of renewable solar energy. In order to give more residents access to clean energy, Maryland launched the Community Solar Pilot Program—a new way to gain access to solar energy without a solar roof. Community Solar participants not only help prevent climate change, they also save money on their electric bills.
In spite of these benefits, Anne Arundel County issued a moratorium that puts all community solar projects in the area at risk.
Local Community Solar projects would keep more than 300,000 metric tons of carbon pollution out of our air and would give farmers a sorely-needed source of stable revenue when they host these projects. A prolonged moratorium means no community solar projects will be built in Anne Arundel County for the foreseeable future and threatens local landowners' rights to add a new revenue source to their land. Plus the wildflowers planted under these projects create valuable habitat for pollinators, such as native bees, birds and butterflies, who are responsible for 1 in every 3 bites of food we eat.
We urge Anne Arundel County to reverse their moratorium and allow Community Solar. Doing so will give local residents access to regionally-produced renewable energy, save money and help protect our shared world for future generations.
Chesapeake Climate Action Network says community solar, "wouldn’t just be a victory for cleaner air and water. It would mean more economic investment in the county and a chance for many residents to see real savings on their electric bills."
By signing the petition below, you’re telling Anne Arundel County to move forward with Community Solar projects immediately and showing your support for local residents, farmers and the Chesapeake Bay.
MD PSC CSEGS ID #17A2149970003865
Anne Arundel County Executive
[Your Name]
Nearly half of all Americans cannot enjoy the benefits of renewable solar energy. Community solar is common-sense way to help Anne Arundel County residents save money on their electric bills, avoid 300,000 tons of carbon pollution, and give farmers a new source of stable revenue.
Anne Arundel County's moratorium makes it harder for residents to save money with renewable solar and threatens the private property rights of local landowners who wish to host community solar projects.
We urge Anne Arundel County to reverse the moratorium and allow Community Solar. Doing so will give your constituents access to regionally-produced renewable energy, a chance to save money on their electric bills and help protect the Chesapeake Bay for future generations.