Colorado Covid-19 Common Good Demands
Landlords, Governor Polis, Colorado Congressional Representatives, ICE and Statewide Police Chiefs

((Para esta petición en español, desplácese hacia abajo))
It is not news to anyone that we are in unprecedented times. The calls for cooperation from the public from government and community leaders for physical isolation for the safety and wellbeing of us all have largely been honored and with this has come an economic crisis of epic proportions. We need your help. We're doing our part now and we need you to do yours in a way that honors the health and economic safety of more than just businesses and wealth holders. Your work is noticed and now what we need is for that work to become nuanced.
We are a coalition representing common good needs of thousands of community members, organizations, collectives, and more who make the occupied Indigenous territories we call Colorado vibrant. There are so many calls for unity. AS The People, we have that unity. Now, we need it from you as leadership, too. What does this mean? It means we need you to, beginning April 1st and continuing through this crisis:
freeze (completely waive/cancel, not defer) collection of all rent, mortgage, and utility (phone, power, water and internet) payments, late fees, and automatically extend expired leases
close all court filings for evictions and foreclosures
immediately house houseless residents in unoccupied buildings, hotels, and other unused living spaces
cease ICE arrests/deportations; release vulnerable populations, demilitarizing and decarcerating non-violent offenders and political prisoners from jails, prisons, and detention centers
expand paid sick days and medical leave for all workers
expand unemployment, food stamp, disability income and family support request filings
eliminate all economic barriers to COVID-19 testing and treatment
guarantee childcare and safe alternate housing for essential workers
expand emergency production of and guaranteed access to PPE (personal protective equipment) for all essential workers
create an economic relief fund specifically for undocumented residents excluded from federal stimulus
learn about the specific needs of Indigenous people, Black and Brown people, LGBTQAI2S+ relatives, educators, freelancers, undocumented and documented immigrants, and low income workers, and work towards answering these needs as rapidly as possible.
These actions must be taken not for just 30 days, but indefinitely, for at least as long as a risk to public health and wellness remains. Government agencies and landlords alike MUST act honestly and effectively to prevent the pandemic from reaching beyond its current point. We are the most vulnerable members of our society and it is falling on our backs to bear the brunt of this crisis’ consequences. Drastic action must be taken!
Nothing demonstrates our fundamental interconnectedness like a pandemic. Our fates rise and fall together. Racial and economic equity for the common good is the way forward yesterday, today, and tomorrow -- and in this moment, more crucial than ever! Be the leaders we believe you can be.
We make these demands in alliance and solidarity with Indigenous people, with Black and Brown relatives, with marginalized and disabled folks, with womxn and children, with allied community members who rise in solidarity, and with the guidance from the Emergency Economic Relief Actions for Colorado platform, released March 27th.
Leaders, landlords, Governor Polis, congressional representatives, ICE and all police chiefs across Colorado, do the right thing.
Para: propietarios, Gobernador Polis, Representantes del Congreso de Colorado, ICE y jefes de policía de Colorado
De: [Sus firmantes de la petición]
No es nuevo cuando decimos que estamos en tiempos sin precedentes. Los llamados para la cooperación del público por parte de los líderes del gobierno y la comunidad para el aislamiento físico para la seguridad y el bienestar de todos nosotros han sido honrados en gran medida y con esto ha surgido una crisis económica de proporciones épicas. Necesitamos tu ayuda. Ahorita, estamos haciendo nuestra parte y necesitamos que ustedes hagan su parte en una manera que honre la salud y la seguridad económica de más que solo las empresas, corporaciones y los poseedores de riqueza. Se nota su trabajo y ahora lo que necesitamos es que ese trabajo sea matizado.
Somos una coalición que representa las necesidades comunes de miles de miembros de la comunidad, de organizaciones, colectivos y más que hacen vibrantes los territorios indígenas ocupados que llamamos Colorado. Hay tantos llamados para la unidad. Como la gente, estamos unidos. Ahora, también necesitamos que sean unidos como líderes para la gente. ¿Qué significa esto? Significa que lo necesitamos, a partir del 1 de Abril y continuando a través de esta crisis:
congelar (renunciar / cancelar por completo, no diferir) el cobro de todos los pagos de renta, hipoteca y servicios públicos (teléfono, electricidad, agua, y internet), pagos, recargos y extender automáticamente los arrendamientos vencidos
cerrar todas las presentaciones judiciales por desalojos y ejecuciones hipotecarias
Inmediatamente hospedar a residentes sin hogar en edificios desocupados, hoteles y otros espacios habitables no utilizados
cesar los arrestos / deportaciones de ICE; liberar a las poblaciones vulnerables, desmilitarizar y encarcelar a los delincuentes no violentos y prisioneros políticos de las cárceles, prisiones y centros de detención
expandir los días de enfermedad pagados y las ausencias médicas para todos los trabajadores
ampliar las solicitudes de desempleo, cupones para alimentos, ingresos por discapacidad y solicitudes de manutención familiar
eliminar todas las barreras económicas para las pruebas y el tratamiento de COVID-19
garantizar cuidado de ninos y vivienda alternativa segura para trabajadores esenciales
expandir la producción y el acceso garantizado a equipo de protección personal para todos los trabajadores esenciales
crear un fondo de ayuda económica específicamente para residentes indocumentados excluidos del estímulo federal
Conozca las necesidades específicas de los pueblos indígenas, negros y marrones, parientes LGBTQAI2S +, educadores, trabajadores independientes, inmigrantes indocumentados y documentados y trabajadores de bajos ingresos, y trabaje para responder a estas necesidades lo más rápido posible.
Estas acciones deben tomarse no solo por 30 días, sino de manera indefinida, por lo menos mientras exista un riesgo para la salud pública y el bienestar. Las agencias gubernamentales y los propietarios DEBEN actuar de manera honesta y efectiva para evitar que la pandemia llegue más allá de su punto actual. Somos los miembros más vulnerables de nuestra sociedad y nos toca caer sobre nuestras espaldas para soportar la peor parte de las consecuencias de esta crisis. ¡Se deben tomar medidas drásticas!
Indigenous Voices of the Poor People’s Campaign
Colorado Latino Forum
Colorado Rent Strike and Eviction Defense
Front Range Mutual Aid Network
Missing Indigenous Sisters Tools Initiative (M.I.S.T.I.)
John Stone, Englewood City Councilmember At-Large
Warriors For High Quality Schools
Indivisible Front Range Resistance
Candi CdeBaca, District 9, Denver City Council
Tay Anderson, Secretary, Denver School Board
Bobby LeFebre, Colorado Poet Laureate
Alison Coombs, Ward V, Aurora City Council
Rev. Jessica Abell, ABC-USA, Spirituality Collective
Shontel M. Lewis, the Regional Transportation District Director, District B
DCTA President (Tiffany Choi)
Hassan A. Latif, E.D. Second Chance Center, Inc.
Second Chance Center-Servants of Community
Lorena Garcia, U.S. Senate Candidate
Cayenna Johnson
Denver Democratic Socialists of America
Focus Points Family Resource Center
Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition
Dr. Xochitl Lisa Vallejos
Auraria Young Democratic Socialists of America
YAASPA (Young African-Americans for Social & Political Action
Together Colorado
Juan Marcano, Aurora City Council Ward IV
Too Dope Teachers And a Mic
Denver Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7
Asian Communities Together (ACT)
Denver Artists for Rent Control
Students for a Democratic Society-Denver
Jefferson County Education Association
Colorado Education Association
Denver Classroom Teachers Association
Landlords, Governor Polis, Colorado Congressional Representatives, ICE and Statewide Police Chiefs
[Your Name]
It is not news to anyone that we are in unprecedented times. The calls for cooperation from the public from government and community leaders for physical isolation for the safety and wellbeing of us all have largely been honored and with this has come an economic crisis of epic proportions. We need your help. We're doing our part now and we need you to do yours in a way that honors the health and economic safety of more than just businesses and wealth holders. Your work is noticed and now what we need is for that work to become nuanced.
We are a coalition representing common good needs of thousands of community members, organizations, collectives, and more who make the occupied Indigenous territories we call Colorado vibrant. There are so many calls for unity. AS The People, we have that unity. Now, we need it from you as leadership, too. What does this mean? It means we need you to, beginning April 1st and continuing through this crisis:
freeze (completely waive/cancel, not defer) collection of all rent, mortgage, and utility (phone, power, water and internet) payments, late fees, and automatically extend expired leases
close all court filings for evictions and foreclosures
immediately house houseless residents in unoccupied buildings, hotels, and other unused living spaces
cease ICE arrests/deportations; release vulnerable populations, demilitarizing and decarcerating non-violent offenders and political prisoners from jails, prisons, and detention centers
expand paid sick days and medical leave for all workers
expand unemployment, food stamp, disability income and family support request filings
eliminate all economic barriers to COVID-19 testing and treatment
guarantee childcare and safe alternate housing for essential workers
expand emergency production of and guaranteed access to PPE (personal protective equipment) for all essential workers
create an economic relief fund specifically for undocumented residents excluded from federal stimulus
learn about the specific needs of Indigenous people, Black and Brown people, LGBTQAI2S+ relatives, educators, freelancers, undocumented and documented immigrants, and low income workers, and work towards answering these needs as rapidly as possible.
These actions must be taken not for just 30 days, but indefinitely, for at least as long as a risk to public health and wellness remains. Government agencies and landlords alike MUST act honestly and effectively to prevent the pandemic from reaching beyond its current point. We are the most vulnerable members of our society and it is falling on our backs to bear the brunt of this crisis’ consequences. Drastic action must be taken!
Nothing demonstrates our fundamental interconnectedness like a pandemic. Our fates rise and fall together. Racial and economic equity for the common good is the way forward yesterday, today, and tomorrow -- and in this moment, more crucial than ever! Be the leaders we believe you can be.
We make these demands in alliance and solidarity with Indigenous people, with Black and Brown relatives, with marginalized and disabled folks, with womxn and children, with allied community members who rise in solidarity, and with the guidance from the Emergency Economic Relief Actions for Colorado platform, released March 27th.
Leaders, landlords, Governor Polis, congressional representatives, ICE and all police chiefs across Colorado, do the right thing.
Indigenous Voices of the Poor People’s Campaign
Denver Black Educators Caucus
Black Lives Matter 5280
Colorado Latino Forum
Colorado Rent Strike and Eviction Defense
Front Range Mutual Aid Network
Missing Indigenous Sisters Tools Initiative (M.I.S.T.I.)
John Stone, Englewood City Councilmember At-Large
Warriors For High Quality Schools
Indivisible Front Range Resistance
Candi CdeBaca, District 9, Denver City Council
Tay Anderson, Secretary, Denver School Board
Bobby LeFebre, Colorado Poet Laureate
Alison Coombs, Ward V, Aurora City Council
Rev. Jessica Abell, ABC-USA, Spirituality Collective
Shontel M. Lewis, the Regional Transportation District Director, District B
DCTA President (Tiffany Choi)
Hassan A. Latif, E.D. Second Chance Center, Inc.
Second Chance Center-Servants of Community
The Kaleidoscope Project
Lorena Garcia, U.S. Senate Candidate
Cayenna Johnson
Our Revolution Metro Denver
Denver Democratic Socialists of America
Colorado No More Prisons
GES Coalition
Focus Points Family Resource Center
Roosters Boxing Club
Recovery Lab
Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition
Dr. Xochitl Lisa Vallejos
Auraria Young Democratic Socialists of America
How Kind Co.
Indivisible Denver
Project VOYCE
Democracy Enter Colorado
9to5 Colorado
Megan Nemire, MA LPC
East Colfax Neighborhood Association
YAASPA (Young African-Americans for Social & Political Action
Colorado Jobs With Justice
Together Colorado
Indivisible Highlands Ranch
Juan Marcano, Aurora City Council Ward IV
Abolish ICE - Denver
Curls on the Block
Too Dope Teachers And a Mic
Denver Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7
Colorado AFL-CIO
Colorado People's Alliance
Jefferson County Education Association
Colorado Education Association
Denver Classroom Teachers Association
Students for a Democratic Society-Denver
Jefferson County Education Association
Colorado Education Association
Denver Classroom Teachers Association