Keep Fairfax County Public Schools Virtual for the 2020-21 school year.
Fairfax County School Board and Superintendent
Schools are an important part of our communities and play a critical role in supporting our children as a whole and not just their academic achievement. It is time to draw the line to protect the health, safety, and well being of students, school staff, their families, and communities.
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Fairfax County School Board and Superintendent
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As employees, parents, and community members, we petition you to:
Draw and hold the line by keeping Fairfax County Public Schools virtual for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year.
Science and Health Safety data support and require that no one should return to in person instruction until there is a widely available scientifically proven vaccine or highly effective treatment. The metric for Safe Reopening should be 14 days of zero community spread.
Should very limited return to buildings be attempted for high needs students and families:
1. All buildings should be equipped with HVAC Merv-13 filters, changed on
2. All staff should be provided Medical Grade PPE (N95 masks, goggles, face
shields, gowns, gloves, foot coverings, laundry service at each site).
3. All staff should be provided COVID testing.
4. NO Employees who feel unsafe whether Tier 1- Tier 4 should be forced to
return before the safe reopening metric of 14 days is met.
5. All staff and families should be granted the option of teleworking/distance
Since none of the requirements for safe return are likely to be met in the foreseeable future of the 2020-21 school year, we reiterate:
Keep Fairfax County Public Schools Virtual for the 2020-21 school year.