TAKE ACTION: Demand AACPS Protect our Healthcare

AACPS Board of Education

TAAAC and AACPS are at impasse.

We have been here many times before. This time, it is because AACPS insists on increasing healthcare costs by shifting 5% of their responsibility to the backs our members. This will cost our members, on average, over $1000 per year. That is unacceptable, especially when AACPS is unwilling to commit to any wage increases to offset these increased costs.

Our bargaining team is asking TAAAC members to sign this majority petition by the end of the school year to show that we are united in demanding the Board of Education to settle a fair contract with high wages and low health insurance changes.

ASK 50% of your school to sign this by the end of the school year!

To: AACPS Board of Education
From: [Your Name]

Board of Education members,
TAAAC members stand united for a strong contract that retains the hard working employees in Anne Arundel County like me. While we understand this profession does not provide compensation to the level of our education, we stay in these jobs because of the benefits they provide, such as healthcare. When our insurance is threatened by shrinkflation and management places that burden on our pocketbooks, we are more likely to leave the county, or the profession as a whole. Our bargaining survey shows that a supermajority of educators prioritize maintaining the current 85% AACPS / 15% Educator healthcare split.
Please work with your bargaining team to end impasse, and settle a strong contract that protects our health insurance benefits and retains dedicated educators like me.