Abolish Columbus Day
Public Constituencies of the State of Arizona
calls for the State of Arizona to end the "Columbus Day" racist policy of state sanctioned persecution, discrimination, colonization and genocide celebrated as a paid state holiday.
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Public Constituencies of the State of Arizona
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Superseding the Doctrine of Discovery
The world is not flat, it never was.
In spite of the terracentric doctrine of the cosmology of the "Western World" of Christendom, and beyond the heliocentric description of our solar system as a physical description of interrelationships among spacial bodies of mass, relative to each other, the sun does nor revolve around the earth -
- nor does the earth revolve around the sun.
Both, entities of mass and therefore revolution and orbit, revolve around their respective centers of gravity, in barycentric and cosmteric interrelationship with the entire field of gravity that defines and describes our universe of the Four Directions.
In Ilhuicayotl, In Tlalyolotl : In Nelhuayotl, In Aztlan.