Act Now to Keep Schools Safe
Wisconsin Assembly Majority Leader Robin Vos
WEAC continues to urge state elected officials to take action to keep students, educators and communities safe by imposing statewide gating criteria for schools to use in determining whether to hold in-person or virtual classes, along with other measures.
While Governor Tony Evers has presented a proposal for COVID relief, including to provide waivers for state assessments and report cards for the 2020-21 school year, Assembly Majority Leader Robin Vos is proposing laws forcing teachers to be physically in schools and to fine districts using virtual instruction. Read more.
Please sign our petition demanding Vos and his legislative caucus provide science-based solutions for schools to keep students, educators and communities safe.
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Wisconsin Assembly Majority Leader Robin Vos
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Wisconsin students and families depend on our schools to be safe so learning can stay on track. Educators and parents are going above and beyond and we believe our elected officials should do the same.
We are calling on you and all Assembly Republicans to provide meaningful leadership and solutions for schools. Your current proposal is out-of-touch with the current reality and would set schools in communities across Wisconsin back.
The top priority of elected officials should be keeping children safe and that means providing necessary support for schools to meet extraordinary challenges. We urge you to look support solutions to curb the spread of this deadly virus instead of creating policies to make things worse.