ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to pass the VITAL Act
US Congress
The United States' efforts to provide accessible and affordable homes for all individuals have fallen short. In particular, senior citizens and people with disabilities face significant challenges in finding affordable housing options, as most homes do not have accommodations that meet their accessibility needs.
The current nationwide program aimed at providing affordable housing, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTCP), does not have any mandatory requirements for mobility or sensory accessibility within housing units. As a result, there is a shortage of accessible and affordable housing options available.
The VITAL Act will allocate additional funding, introduce requirements, and provide incentives to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTCP). This bill will promote the development of affordable and accessible housing while also increasing the production of affordable housing overall. If passed, the VITAL Act will enable individuals with disabilities and senior citizens to live in homes that are safe, affordable, and inclusive. Tell Congress that housing for everyone, regardless of age or disability status can’t wait. Urge them to pass the VITAL Act!Sponsored by
US Congress
[Your Name]
We are writing to strongly urge you to prioritize the immediate passage of the VITAL Act. This bill will increase affordability and accessibility of urgently needed housing across the United States.
Over 40% of Americans age 65 and older live with some type of disability. The US has not sufficiently addressed this need, as less than 6% of housing was designed to be accessible as of 2011.
The VITAL Act will increase funding for the LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program), which serves as the primary driver of affordable housing in our nation. It will also provide increased funding incentives for developers who construct homes tailored to the specific needs of individuals with disabilities, as well as for homes strategically located near transit centers and areas that promote walkability and rollability. The bill also requires that at least 40% of homes constructed through the LIHTC must be disability adaptable/accessible, or a minimum of 20% if they are also situated in walkable/rollable areas. These measures will create strong incentives for the construction of housing that caters to the elderly and disabled populations.
As housing advocates, we firmly believe that every individual, regardless of age or disability status, deserves the fundamental rights of a secure, affordable, and safe home. As your constituents, we urge you to support policies that will reduce the cost of housing by increasing the number of homes available for all Americans. Pass the VITAL Act!