Add your name: Fair contract for SIUE employees!

Chancellor and Board of Trustees, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Clerical workers, building service workers and other employees of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville do important work supporting students and faculty. They make SIUE happen! But it's been almost 600 days since their last union contract expired, and three years since they had an across-the-board pay increase—yet university administration is still dragging its feet at the bargaining table.

Sign the petition to support a fair union contract with fair pay for SIUE employees NOW!

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Chicago, IL

To: Chancellor and Board of Trustees, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
From: [Your Name]

We the undersigned support SIUE clerical, building service and other workers! Their important work supporting students and faculty makes SIUE happen, and they deserve to be respected, fairly paid and fully staffed. We call on you to settle a fair union contract with good pay and benefits NOW, no more delays!