Tell MN Legislators: Voters want fair district maps!
Minnesota Legislators
Fair voting maps protect your right to choose who represents you. After each ten-year U.S. Census, the Minnesota legislature draws new voting districts for state and national elections. For decades, the legislature has failed to agree on fair maps, and the job has gone to the courts.
Help us pass legislation to put redistricting in the hands of citizens—not incumbents. Common Cause MN and its multi-partisan, statewide coalition have drafted a model bill that’s a better approach for Minnesota. It calls for an independent citizens’ commission with nine public members selected in an open process and guided by rules to ensure fairness and transparency.
Signing the petition tells your legislators that you want districts drawn impartially—and not influenced by the majority party, major donors, or incumbents who want to gerrymander districts and pick their voters.
Read the bill. Our bill, HF 1605, was introduced in the 2019 legislative session. It got through the Minnesota House, but not through the Senate. An updated bill is being drafted to reflect legislator concerns. We must bring legislators together to pass our bill early in the 2020 session so Minnesota can be ready for the census results in 2021.
It is time to act! Sign the petition now and share with others.
Minnesota Legislators
[Your Name]
Minnesotans deserve a fair redistricting process with rules and tools that are voter-focused—not driven by parties, major donors, or incumbents who want to gerrymander districts and pick their voters.
I support the work of Common Cause MN and a multi-partisan statewide coalition working to ensure that our voting maps are drawn in a fair and open process with public input. Please support HF1605/SF2575 to create a citizens’ redistricting commission of nine public members.